Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pathed Roads turned into Dirt Paths

The GPS was created for the directionally challenged. The people who can go to the same, familiar place fifteen million times, and still get lost every single trip. My dad knew I was one of those people when I first got my license, and after a few wrong turns and getting lost for over 45 minutes, my dad decided to wisely invest in a GPS!

I put my trust in this little computer! When I was lost, I had complete faith that all I had to do was press the "Go Home" button, and the GPS (named Percy) would guide me home.

One day, on the way back from visiting our grandparents in Ohio, we decided to put Percy to the test - punching the "Go Home" button for Richmond, VA, some 500 miles away from our current location, we confidently began our trip. My mom was skeptical about how successful Percy would be in leading us home, but I convinced her that Percy was an expert and he would have no problem getting us home.

I discovered all too quickly how wrong I was....
Following Percy's instructions, we turned onto a wide dirt road, with a beautiful canopy of trees curving overhead. We were excited about the lovely surprise, and began to enjoy the greenery. Slowly though, the road began to progressively shrink in size as we got deeper into the woods. We had no idea where we were; where Percy had taken us.

The trees moved in, closer and closer to the car, and we were unsure if we would squeeze through this now dirt path. Gripping the seat, I tried to ease mom's growing fears.

"It's alright, we will get through"
"The road couldn't get any smaller mom...ohh...well now it certainly can't get any smaller!"
"Dear Lord please help us see the end of this road!"

Finally we reached the end, mom shutting off the GPS, no longer lovingly referred to as Percy, and turning onto a main road she had never driven on in her life.

"Well I guess we do need the GPS to take us back to a road I know," mom spoke sharply as she picked the GPS up from the floor.

When we had finally gotten somewhere more familiar, I bravely spoke...
"Well mom, if you think about it, Percy did lead us safely down a road towards our destination. It just wasn't what we were expecting."

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

1 comment:

  1. Feel free to post your thoughts, opinions, and own stories here about how you ended up somewhere you didn't expect and how that turned out.
