Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Road Less Traveled

At the fork in the road,
Unsure which way to go.
Which will carry the heaviest load,
I do not know.

 In our lives, at some time or another, we will reach that place in the road where we have to make a choice as to which way to go...and we don't know! We think long and hard about our family's approval, our friends opinions, and our societies acceptance. 

Maybe we will take time to think about our own opinions...but probably not.

Many times we rely on our family, friends, and society to decide for us. We want to fit in, make everyone happy, and do whats expected of us.

But sometimes...
its good to do the unexpected!

When your at the fork in the road, don't ask for everyone else's opinions, ask for the Lords. He will lead you down the exciting and adventurous path that is His plan for your life. 

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. 
-Robert Frost

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